WITZENBERG Privacy Policy

  1. What is WITZENBERG' privacy policy?

    This policy is intended to explain how WITZENBERG collects, stores, and uses certain personal information gathered when you interact with our physical and online stores, as well as our customer service channels. This policy is also intended to explain your options and control in the use of this information. Our use of your personal information is dedicated to enhancing and personalizing your shopping experience. We are dedicated to keeping your sensitive information safe as you pursue your passion with WITZENBERG, our partners, and the products and services we offer.

  2. Why does WITZENBERG collect my information?

    We collect and store your information in order to personalize your shopping experience. Our goal is to make your shopping experience more efficient and more rewarding. Storing and re-using your personal information allows us to customize your shopping experience based on your past habits and unique personal information.

  3. How does WITZENBERG use my information?

    To meet your shopping expectations, we use collected data to enhance your personalized shopping experience in order to improve our selection of products and services in-store and online.

    In order to create an effective and efficient shopping experience for you, we use your information to:

    1. Fulfill orders, verify shipping and billing addresses, and process payments internally and through our financial partners, such as banks, PayPal and similar electronic payment applications, and credit/debit card companies such as Visa, Mastercard, Discover, American Express, and WITZENBERG Visa.
    2. Provide products and services in-store and online targeted towards the tastes and demographics, as we have learned from our customers’ provided information and past habits.
    3. Provide WITZENBERG customer service experts with information directly and indirectly from the customer about order fulfillment and delivery, special orders, customer feedback, and any other information provided by customers regarding the products and services we provide.
    4. Store information which was provided by the customer in establishing a customer account, either online or in-store.
    5. Continuously streamline and enhance our online stores, with improved content and design. Our internal use of your information allows us to better understand how you shop with us, search our online stores, purchase products, and what devices and platforms you use to interact with WITZENBERG.
    6. partners, and the.
    7. Solicit applications for WITZENBERG Visa, and to process applications, maintain accounts, and process payments using WITZENBERG Visa.
    8. Selling the personal information of our customers runs counter to WITZENBERG' core principles as a customer-focused business. We do not sell customer data or information for monetary gain. However, we may share some information, such as which page you were visiting when you were directed to our site, with our third-party service providers for analytics and ad services.
  4. What information does WITZENBERG collect?

    To better serve our customers and improve and streamline your shopping experience, WITZENBERG may gather and store certain information.

    WITZENBERG may gather and store the following information:

    1. Contact information such as your name, gender, mailing address, e-mail address, phone number, and usernames or online aliases used to access WITZENBERG’ online stores.
    2. Purchase information such as purchase histories, online shopping cart histories, credit/debit card payment histories, and billing and shipping addresses.
    3. User account profile information such as account passwords, usernames, birthday, product reviews, product interests, purchase habits, and additional information supplied by you in connection with your accounts and profiles.
    4. Device and browsing information such as the type of device used to access WITZENBERG online stores, IP addresses, cookie identifies, browser information, internet provider, product search histories, and dates and times of interaction with WITZENBERG online stores.
    5. Location information provided by an electronic device interacting with WITZENBERG’ online stores.
    6. Communications with WITZENBERG customer service experts, such as phone, e-mail, and online chat conversations.
    7. Device and location information provided by a device connected to WITZENBERG’ in-store Wi-Fi services.Additional third parties, including legal requirements as required or allowed by applicable law to prevent theft, crime and fraud to protect WITZENBERG, you, our customers or additional third parties.
    8. Videos and photographs obtained by surveillance systems inside and outside of our stores.
    9. WITZENBERG VISA information related to a WITZENBERG credit card is ONLY approved or denied by our banking partners. Sensitive information relating to your VISA account, including personal information, balance, payments and credit card limits, are only given through our secure VISA bank partners, NOT WITZENBERG stores or Witzenberg Sneakers Sale Online.
    10. Social Media Platforms, including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube, are used on our website through features, such as the Twitter “share this” button. With these features, information may be collected including your IP address, the page you’re visiting, and cookies may be set to enable the features to function properly. Interactions with these social media features is governed by the privacy policy of the social media company providing the feature.
  5. How does WITZENBERG collect my information?

    In addition to the means previously described in this policy, WITZENBERG may collect information at the point of purchase, and through any means in which the customer voluntarily provides information to WITZENBERG.

    With varying frequency, WITZENBERG may additionally employ the following technological means used to analyze and process customer data:

    1. Cookies. Cookies are strings of information that a website stores on a visitor’s computer, which the visitor’s browser provides to the website each time the visitor returns. WITZENBERG uses cookies to collect information that helps us improve our website. For more detailed information about how we use cookies, please refer to our full Cookie Policy.
    2. Web Beacons and Pixel Tags. Web beacons and pixel tags are virtually transparent images and blocks of code which are typically used in combination with cookies, and which monitor the behavior of a visitor to WITZENBERG online stores.
    3. Log Files. Log files are files maintained by our servers which contain a history of page requests.
    4. Flash Software. Software which may be installed by Adobe Systems, Inc., that is required to access certain online store functions which require the Flash platform to function.
  6. Who has access to my information?

    Certain entities may have limited access to your information for specific business purposes.

    The following entities may have limited access to your information:

    1. WITZENBERG corporate entities for the purposes of customer service, marketing, advertising, promotions, and enhancement and personalization of your shopping experience, as previously described in this policy.
    2. Third-Parties which directly assist WITZENBERG by providing business services and verifying customer information, such as:
      1. Credit/debit card partners.
      2. Mail/package carriers.
      3. Partners offering technical and support services for our online stores and operations, including those which may process orders and billing through our physical and online stores.
      4. Analytics and marketing partners which may provide targeted advertisements to you based on your searching history and information, and which help us to better focus our websites to meet the ways in which our customers use and interact with our online portals.
    3. Third-Parties as required by law, and which may be engaged to prevent theft, fraud, and other crimes against WITZENBERG and our customers.
  7. How does WITZENBERG keep my information secure?

    We are committed to providing superior security and confidentiality measures to keep your personal information safe. Our online stores and websites employ physical, administrative, and technical protections to safeguard your information. Security and fraud measures taken by WITZENBERG to protect your information include:

    To protect your information, WITZENBERG uses the following security and fraud measures:

    1. Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) encryption technology, which encrypts your data to maintain its confidentiality in transit across the internet. SSL is represented in your browser by the “https://” prefix in the URL, as well as visually through the use of a closed lock or solid lock icon next to the URL.
    2. Case-sensitive passwords to access user accounts and profiles, in our online stores and with WITZENBERG Visa. Minimum lengths and character minimums are employed to strengthen passwords, but you are encouraged to use unique passwords and change them often, to strengthen this protection.
    3. Your personal information is maintained on servers which are in physically secure locations, and which are accessible only by personnel necessary to ensure the proper function of those servers.
    4. Your personal information will be retained by WITZENBERG indefinitely, and will be periodically purged as then-effective retention policies may dictate. You may request that your information All Gun Magazines.
  8. YOUR PRIVACY RIGHTS - What options do I have regarding WITZENBERG' collection and storage of my personal information?

    We are committed to providing transparency to our customers regarding the collection of their personal information, and our continued storage of that information. The bulk of the information we collect is provided voluntarily by the customer, through such methods as online purchases and creation of user profiles. You are encouraged to make deliberate choices about the personal information you share, and review your browser and mobile device settings to make sure they fit your privacy desires.

    If you have questions about what personal information we have collected, or wish to make specific requests regarding our use of that information, we encourage you to take advantage of the following options:

    1. Most browsers are set to enable cookies by default. If you would like to disable cookies, you can change the settings of your web browser to remove or reject cookies automatically or notify you when a cookie is placed. For more detailed information on how to adjust your browser’s cookie settings, please refer to our full Cookie Policy.
    2. If you are receiving promotional materials from us via e-mail, you may unsubscribe from our e-mail list at any time. Please click the “UNSUBSCRIBE” link at the bottom of an e-mail, or contact our customer service experts at the address below.
    3. If you are receiving promotional materials from us via standard mail, you may unsubscribe from such mailings at any time by contacting our customer service experts at the address below.
    4. Manage your user profile settings to control what information may be made public, such as “wish list” items.
    5. If you have any questions about what personal information we have collected and/or shared, who your information has been shared with, the nature of any third-party recipient’s business, or have any concerns about how your information is being used, please contact our customer service experts:
      1. By phone: 701-356-8264
      2. By e-mail: privacy@scheels.com
      3. By mail:
        Witzenberg Sneakers Sale Online – Privacy Policy
        4550 15th Ave. S
        Fargo, ND 58103
        *Be sure to include your name, mailing address, phone number, and/or e-mail address
      4. WITZENBERG will provide this information once per calendar year, per individual.

    Please note that we will attempt to verify your identity via the email address and/or telephone number associated with your request to assert its validity prior to fulfilling it. If you authorize another person to make this request on your behalf, in addition to verifying your identity we will also require proof that the person is authorized to act on your behalf.

  9. What are my California Privacy Rights?

    The Right To Know Your Personal Data

    WITZENBERG Privacy Policy describes how we collect, use and share personal information that you, the customer, provide to us. The categories of Personal Data we collect, why we collect this information, and the third parties with which we share it are covered in Sections 3 & 4. As a California resident and WITZENBERG customer, you have the right to request a report from WITZENBERG detailing the personal information that we collect, use, disclose, or “sell”. California law designates that you have the right to submit a request to WITZENBERG designated address and receive the following:

    1. The categories of information WITZENBERG disclosed to third parties for the third parties direct marketing purposes during the preceding calendar year.
    2. The names and addresses of third parties that received such information
    3. If the nature of a third party’s business cannot be reasonably determined from the third party’s name, examples of the products or services marketed.

    You are entitled to receive a copy of information in a standardized format and the information will not be specific to you individually. For more information on how to exercise this right, please see Section 8 of our Privacy Policy.

    The Right to Opt-Out of the Sale of Your Personal Data

    California defines “sales” as selling, renting, releasing, disclosing, disseminating, making available, transferring, or otherwise communicating orally, in writing, or by electronic or other means, a consumer’s personal information by the business to another business or a third party for monetary or Food Plots & Feeders.

    Selling the personal information of our customers runs counter to WITZENBERG' core principles as a customer-focused business. We do not sell customer data or information for monetary gain. However, we may share some information, such as which page you were visiting when you were directed to our site, with our third-party service providers for analytics and ad services.

    If you wish to opt-out of selling your personal information, click Do Not Sell My Info. See Section 8 for more details.

    The Right to Delete Your Personal Data

    You have the right to request the deletion of any personal information WITZENBERG has collected or maintained on you. You can request that we delete your personal data by filling out this Information Request form or by calling our designated toll-free telephone number for CCPA related requests, 701-356-8264. By submitting this request, you are declaring that you are a California resident availing yourself of the rights afforded to you under the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA). Once your request has been confirmed, WITZENBERG will begin the steps necessary to respond and take action.

    However, this right does not apply where WITZENBERG needs to retain personal information in order to do any of the following:

    • Nike KD VI Chroma
    • Comply with the law
    • Safeguard the right to free speech
    • Provide goods or services to the consumer
    • Conduct research in the interest of the public
    • Detect or resolve issues security or functionality-related issues
    • associated with your request to assert its validity prior to fulfilling it. If you authorize another

    The Right to Non-Discrimination for Exercising Your Privacy Rights

    We will not discriminate against you for exercising any of your rights under the CCPA.

  10. What are the California 65 and 67 Propositions?

    The following propositions are to be followed accordingly by the state of California:

    1. Proposition 65:
      Proposition 65, officially known as The Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986, addresses the concerns about the exposure of toxic chemicals. This requires that all businesses place a warning label on all products containing toxic chemicals found by the California Air Resources Board considered to cause cancer or reproductive toxicity. Wordage may vary depending on products and certain chemicals, through a general Proposition 65 notice is as follows:

      WARNING: You have purchased an item that contains a chemical known to the state of California to cause, birth defects or other reproductive harm.

      For further detail on Proposition 65, click here for warnings and click here for regulations.

    2. Proposition 67:
      Proposition 67, officially known as the Single-Use Carryout Bag Ban (SB 270), was approved by voters in the state of California on November 8th, 2016 to help reduce waste and pollution. This ban prohibits the use of single-use plastic bags by most grocery stores, retail stores with a pharmacy, convenience stores, food marts, and liquor stores. These stores should instead provide an option for customers to purchase reusable bags or recycled bags at the point of purchase for at least 10 cents.

      For more information on Proposition 67, click here

  11. What is the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)?

    The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a legal framework requiring a business to protect the privacy of an individual, a company or an organization of personal data relating to European Union (EU) citizens. Under this law, personal data that should remain protected includes the following:

    1. Information that can identify any individual, including any information that has been de-identified, encrypted or pseudonymized.
    2. Rendered anonymous, irreversible data that can no longer identify an individual is not considered personal data.
    3. Automated and manually processed information in pre-defined criteria, including all data stored systems.
    4. Wholly or partly processed personal data that’s automated as well as non-automated processing, if it’s part of a structured filing system.
    5. Information containing a name or surname, home address, email address, identification card number, location data, Internet Protocol (IP) address, cookie ID, and advertising identifier of your phone.

    Click here to learn more about GDPR

  12. Miscellaneous

    1. Our online stores and websites are intended for a general audience and not directed to children. We abide by the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) and do not knowingly accept information from children under the age of 13, unless there has been verified parental consent. If you, the parent, believe your child may have provided unverified information without your consent at one of our physical or online stores, please contact us immediately at privacy@scheels.com, or 701-356-8264.
    2. In the course of improving our services and products for you, we will change this policy to meet those ends. We will notify you when we update this policy by posting the updated policy on our websites and online stores, and by sending you an e-mail with an updated policy notice. We encourage you to review the policy to stay informed about how we continue to strive to create a personalized and safe shopping experience at WITZENBERG.
    3. This policy is effective January 1, 2020.

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