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Women's Panties

Ladies - listen up. It's REALLY important you have great panties. Properly fitting women's panties make sure that you're whole outfit looks great. You know what we mean - we've all been behind someone in line at the store and can see their panty lines through their women's pants. You don't want to be her. You can avoid the VPL look by shopping our Product swatch type of DUSK. Also, don't think that you only need a pair of lace panties or cheeky panties if you have someone you're trying to impress! Every girl deserves to look and feel sexy, even if it's only for herself. At WitzenbergShops we know it doesn't have to cost a fortune either - Full Tilt has super cute panties that won't break the bank, so stock up on women's panties at WitzenbergShops! Take your look to the next level with Maui Babe Browning Lotion.